Serving the people of the Dominican Republic.

Supporting the Community.

We seek immersion into the community, culture, and faith to be in greater relationship with our brothers and sisters in the Dominican Republic. We do this by working side by side with members of Mision Joven visiting schools to do catechesis, building homes in rural areas, and running clinics to provide medical care.

Construction of New Housing

Many of the people in the Dominican Republic do not have an adequate living space. Our construction teams build durable two-room homes so that material needs while we also share the Christian life as we work together.


Our wonderful ministry team visits local schools to share the gospel, make arts and crafts, play games, sing songs, and share the joys of life!

Medical Clinics

Our highly talented and diverse team of doctors can assist with medical care that may not be accessible otherwise. We are also able to provide a wide variety of medications not available in the region.

Interested in Joining Us?

Find out how you can get involved by filling out the form or contacting us directly!
